Wednesday 21 March 2007

PETA Rats Out Senator Durbin

The writer of Imaginary Grapefruit and Bessie, Defender of the Blog, do not always agree with PETA. We agree with the group philosophically, but its members have shown a knack for doing really incredibly stupid things. This time, however, we are on PETA’s side and we don’t care that we are in the minority.

PETA posted this on The Hill Blog ( earlier today:

Take a Swing at Sen. Durbin for Killing Rat With Golf Club
March 21st, 2007

Like many compassionate people, we at PETA were shocked and disappointed to learn that according to a recent ABC News story, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) bragged about beating a rat to death with a golf club. PETA has written to Sen. Durbin and urged him to use only humane rat-control methods in the future so that he can set a good example for his constituents — especially impressionable young people.

PETA also points out that cruelly killing one rat won’t prevent more rats from taking up residence in the Washington, D.C., townhouse that Sen. Durbin shares with three other members of Congress—more rats will simply move in to fill the void. We urge Durbin to inform his landlord, Rep. George Miller, that he can easily and permanently end the rat infestation by sealing any openings larger than a dime in the foundation vents, roof, and sub-floor with caulk or a sturdy screening material. Sen. Durbin can help make the townhouse less attractive to rodents by cleaning up the “filth and squalor” that he says can be found throughout the dwelling. Any remaining rats can be caught in a humane trap and released outdoors.

Senator Durbin beat an animal to death with a golf club and found it amusing. This is an excerpt from the ABC News story:

Durbin, chipper in a red sweater, shared the tale of the night he confronted a large rat, killing the beast with a golf club.

"I'm not a good golfer," Durbin quips. "I had to three putt."


Washington has a surplus of rats and, at the moment, most of them do not have fur. Most of them wear expensive suits, provide constituent services and occasionally play golf. Unlike one particular rat, we believe that beating a living creature to death with a golf club is not something to brag about and that it is not funny.

We agree with PETA and we are pleased that the Senator has been ratted out.

(Imaginary Grapefruit catches intruding rodents such as squirrels and mice using safe traps, drives them to a park, and releases them unharmed.)


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