Thursday 13 March 2008

All the news, before it happens...

We do not like to boast, but we have to point out that we have just hammered two nails squarely on their steel heads.

First, we predicted that the emperor of the Empire State was going to drop faster than a pig tossed from a Bell 47B helicopter.

We have no idea why the fall of the emperor of the Empire State made us think of pigs falling from a Bell 47B.

There is an explanation for the Bell 47B, though. According to the American Helicopter Museum: "On March 8, 1946 the Bell 47B became the first commercially certified helicopter in the United States."

So, if you're going to toss pigs from a helicopter, the Bell 47B is a good choice. That model is historically significant.

The plummeting pigs part, we can’t explain. It was the first thing we thought of.

We do not approve of flinging pigs from helicopters. But the point is that we predicted that the emperor of the Empire State would fall faster than a pig tossed from a Bell 47B helicopter it before it happened, and we were right.

Second, we predicted that the morning news would describe the emperor's--let's use a polite term--consort--in such detail that we would know what's in her CD player.

Bingo. This morning's news reported that she prefers Etta James, Aretha Franklin and Frank Sinatra. Two out of two.

That's why Imaginary Grapefruit is here, to report the news before it happens. Read it here first.

We do, however, owe an apology to the emperor of the Empire State's consort. We said he overpaid, but a consort that likes Etta James and Aretha Franklin is probably worth $4,600. One suggestion for the emperor, though, next time, knock a few bucks off if you have to listen to Frank Sinatra.
