Thursday 20 March 2008

The Cow on Brentano Boulevard

Normally, you could wait until the cows came home before you found two news items about cows within ten days, one of which actually does involve cows coming to your home, presuming that you live on Brentano Boulevard. We waited, and the cows came home.

This story was reported by the CBC. It was a bit unclear—the CBC apparently doesn’t have a regular reporter on the cow beat. If you’re on the cow beat, you have to know your cows from your steers. We think we have the facts right. If we don’t, go moo.

According to the CBC cow beat reporter, a trailer carrying two cows, a steer and a bull tipped on the Queen Elizabeth Way. (We don’t normally get to combine cows and Queen Elizabeth in the same sentence. The cows have made our day, and we haven’t even mentioned the bull yet.)

Remember watching Steve McQueen on a motorcycle in “The Great Escape”? Replace Steve McQueen with a cow and you will understand why we find this funny.

The cows immediately headed west—Go West, Young Cows!—then headed for the nearest residential neighborhood.

“Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?" “Cow.” “Cow who?” “Cow about opening the bloody door, the Ontario Provincial Police are after me!”

The cow was right. The Ontario Provincial Police were in fact after the cow.

The cows made it to Brentano Boulevard in Mississauga, and that's when their luck ran out. After beeing arrested, they were photographed and taken to the hooscow. (Sorry, readers, we couldn’t resist.)

One of the cows used its moments of freedom to track down a CBC Sports producer. This doesn't happen often. "We get all kinds of animals…coyotes, foxes, deer, but never a cow," said the producer, Bridget O'Toole.

Cows are not known for their athleticism, so we are trying to imagine why cows would tip a trailer on the Queen Elizabeth Way and bust out in order to visit a CBC Sports producer. We are nothing if not inquisitive.
