Saturday 26 April 2008

We admit it, we owe an apology to a box of frogs...

A few days ago, we found this in an Associated Press article: "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton shouldn't share the Democratic presidential ticket unless they really want to. "

Well, yeah, and they don't have to see "Spamalot" together unless they really want to.

After deciding that Ms. Pelosi had earned our daily "Stating The Obvious" award, we wrote that "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is about as useful as a box of frogs."

The response was unexpected. Among the comments we received were "Why do you hate frogs?" and "I consider that a slur to the frogs."

Our first impulse was to respond as we have responded to previous complaints concerning our comments about amphibians--ignore them and delete the e-mail.

But the frogheads were right. We have not seen or read an interview with a frog in which a frog addressed the possibility of Senator Clinton and Senator Obama being running mates and said both “…I’m not one of those who thinks that's a good ticket…” and “…if Clinton and Obama think that it's a good ticket, maybe it is...”

Summary: it's a bad ticket, but maybe it's a good ticket. Thank you for the leadership, Madame Speaker. Maybe the frogs have an opinion. We'll ask them.

Since we did not specify the species of frogs in our hypothetical box, we apologize to big-eyed tree frogs, cliff chirping frogs, marsupial frogs—this could take all day, so let’s simplify it—if you are part of any of the three suborders of living Anurans--Archaeobatrachia, Mesobatrachia or Neobatrachia—oh, forget it. If you’re a frog and you’re reading this, we apologize for the pejorative reference to a box of frogs.

We will rephrase the sentence: House Speaker Pelosi is about as useful as a sack of broccoli.

Do not send us e-mail asking "why do you hate broccoli?" We will answer that in advance. Because it's broccoli.
