Thursday 3 April 2008

The importance of proofreading

The Associated Press has just reported that toddlers can no longer marry in Arkansas.

That sentence may require an explanation.

A bill intended to require that the youngest Romeos and Juliets in Arkansas be at least 18 instead removed the age requirement entirely. Rather than requiring that Romeo and Juliet be at least 18, the bill, as written, required only that the Montagues and Capulets consent to the marriage and that Juliet must not have a buttermilk biscuit in the oven until she's an 18-year old Capulet.

Not exactly what was intended. See, proofreading matters.

But the misuse of the English language is not the interesting part of this story. The interesting part is that majorities of Arkansas’ state representatives and state senators approved the bill, the governor signed it, and no one noticed the error.

The problem has been resolved; the bill has been repealed. Arkansas’ Romeos now have to be 17 and its Juliets must have had a Sweet 16 party.

With that out of the way, we can focus on other things, like this headline we found in the on-line version of Pravda: People marry animals trying to find happiness. (We are also fond of another Pravda headline: Mutants live in the underworld of Moscow. We couldn't make this stuff up.)

Considering that the on-line version of Pravda describes UFO Digest as an “information partner,” we are not entirely convinced that people marry animals trying to find happiness. We do, however, like this sentence: "If you want happiness, you will love even a goat...however, it is unknown whether marriage with a goat is happy or not..."

And there’s this headline from BBC News which, to our knowledge, has never suggested that mutants live in the underworld of Moscow and rarely mentions goats: UAE stages camel beauty contest. Today's most obvious quip: "Say, there's a camel I'd walk a mile for..."

"Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it." -- Confucius

This is becoming silly. We have strayed way too far from the original topic.

Incidentally, the representative who sponsored the bill that temporarily eliminated minimum age requirements for marriages in Arkansas was Will Bond.
