Saturday 13 January 2007

Hey, English Majors! Nepal urgently needs writers!

This is an actual quote from the Nepal Tourism Board's Web site ( "In winter hypothermia may be (a) hindrance to some..." Well, I suppose it could be a small hindrance if chilblains, amputation and death don't figure prominently in your vacation plans. (I particularly like that they added the words "to some..." I guess someone might consider hypothermia attractive, but when the chilbains become open sores, I'll be glad my travel agent is on speed dial.)

And while you’re in Nepal, check out the art galleries. Or perhaps not. This is another direct quote from the Nepal Tourism Board: “The Art Galleries are not exactly the epitome of art collections…” Sell it, baby!

Surprisingly, the Tourism Board didn’t mention the lack of electricity and telephones, or the illiteracy, unemployment, poverty, and polyandry. Especially the polyandry.

And while in Nepal, you can stay at the five star Hotel Yak and Yeti in Kathmandu. (I am not making this up. See for yourself: http// To my knowledge, it is the only five star hotel in the world named for a long-haired humped bovine and a humanoid cryptid.

Clearly, Nepal has to rethink its marketing strategies and is going to need new writers. Opportunity knocks.

So feel welcome, young writers! Come to Nepal for the summer, stay for the monsoons!

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