Tuesday 30 January 2007

The Banzai Pipeline of Channel Surfing

Just in from the Associated Press:

The city of Miami is planning an official celebration at the Orange Bowl whenever Cuban president Fidel Castro dies.

Discussions by a committee appointed earlier this month by the city commission to plan the event have even covered issues such as a theme to be printed on T-shirts, what musicians would perform, the cost and how long the celebration would last.

If Fidel Castro summoned up the nobleza to die on Sunday, the Official Death Party could occur simultaneously with Super Bowl XLI, with roughly 3,500 media representatives (more than three times the population of North Key Largo) in the Miami area to cover the two events. What a great way to show the world that Americans really are caring, sensitive people. The only way to make this scenario more interesting would be to have the NFL transport Castro by MedEvac helicopter to Dolphin Stadium so that he could expire during halftime. Why not? The worst that could happen would be a cigar malfunction.

It is time to change the batteries in the TV remote. Sunday may be the Banzai Pipeline of channel surfing.


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