Wednesday 9 May 2007

For heaven’s sake, buy a new pair of pants, Mr. President

A friend sent us a photograph taken during the Queen’s recent visit to the United States. In the photograph, standing at the top of a staircase are, from left to right, Prince Philip, Laura Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, and George W. Bush. The Bushes are smiling.

Prince Philip is not. He clearly wants to be somewhere else and the expression on his face says that it doesn’t really matter where that somewhere else might be. He would prefer to be reading a biography of Winston Churchill, watching CSI: Miami, or having toes amputated. It wouldn’t matter to him. Laura Bush is wearing an aqua-colored dress that makes her look like a mermaid with hips as wide as a Greyhound bus.

The Queen is not smiling in this photograph. She is looking at W’s trousers. They don’t fit. Unless W’s legs have become two inches shorter, they are not his trousers. When we post the photo, look at his left leg. Either he hasn’t had them hemmed or he has borrowed pants from someone considerably taller.

This was the dinner menu:

Spring Pea Soup with Fernleaf Lavender
Chive Pizzelle with American Caviar

Newton Chardonnay “Unfiltered” 2004

Dover Sole Almondine
Roasted Artichokes, Pequillo Peppers and Olives

Saddle of Spring Lamb
Chanterelle Sauce
Fricassee of Baby Vegetables

Peter Michael “Les Pavots” 2003

Arugula, Savannah Mustard
and Mint Romaine

Champagne Dressing and Trio of Farmhouse Cheeses

“Rose Blossoms”

Schramsberg Brut Rosé 2004,

Mr. President, when you are having dinner with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is it too much to ask that your trousers fit? Go upstairs and change your pants, and take your mermaid with you.
