Saturday 14 April 2007

Monster Bunnies

We couldn’t help noticing these headlines:

MSNBC drops Imus simulcast
No More Monster Bunnies for North Korea

North Korea’s possession of German-bred monster bunnies is the more interesting story, if for no reason other than that it explains North Korea's dependence on China: "China currently holds the biggest...carrot" (Yale Online). Unfortunately, there is speculation, but no proof, that North Korean officials may have eaten them. The giant monster bunnies, that is, not the carrot. (We are not making this up: “A German rabbit breeder sold 12 rabbits to North Korea to breed giant bunnies said he won't be exporting any more to the reclusive communist country because he suspects they have been eaten.” (,1518,475218,00.html)

But while we love finding news involving German monster bunnies, we also love pointing out bad writing and people who have plainly gone walnuts.

Perusing one of Ann Coulter's blogs is like visiting Francisco Scaramanga’s island in the James Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun, a trap where perceptions are distorted by mirrors and trickery, it is not always clear what is real and what is not, and a midget cackles at you.

We know from personal experience that certain drug interactions will convince you that large black birds are flying straight into the windows and that the pattern on the wallpaper is moving and occasionally forming words. Ann Coulter's bookshelf must not contain a copy of the Physician's Desk Reference because there is no other way to explain how someone with the cognitive capacity to put shoes on the correct feet could equate Don Imus insulting a women's basketball team with Winston Churchill defending England from the Germans. (No, not the German monster bunnies.) This is from a post titled Ho Ho Ho, Merry Imus, in which Ann Coulter argues against courteousness.
“Say, does anyone remember if Winston Churchill was "nice" in his public pronouncements about Hitler?”

Was Reagan "nice" to the Soviets? They certainly didn't think so. The Soviets constantly denounced Reagan as "rude," and our dear friends at the BBC upbraided Reagan for his "rude attacks" on Fidel Castro, Nicaragua and the Soviet Union…'"

“Oh dear! Reagan wasn't "nice." No wonder he never accomplished anything.


Discourtesy saves the world! Again! We are so ready for the monster bunnies.

But even a monster bunny would fail to root out the metaphorical carrot in this garden. Insulting a women’s basketball team is somehow analogous to the British fighting the Germans in the Second World War? Impoliteness defeated the Nazis? Civility extended the Cold War?

(Pardon us for a moment; if our heads explode, perfectly good hats will be ruined, and it is hard to find good hats these days.)

We have no idea what carrot Ann Coulter is gnawing on. If we were feeling really bitchy, we would point out that she has just compared the Rutgers women’s basketball team to the Third Reich.

You could explore Ann Coulter’s ocean of murky thinking in a bathysphere without sinking to depths low enough to find anything meaningful. Don’t try it.

At that depth, there’s no light.
